IX Breakfast with Science
16 April 2019Call whose objective is to increase the number of Spanish coordinators participating in projects financed by the future calls of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, by granting aid to finance the necessary expenses for the preparation and presentation of new R&D project proposals +I in transnational collaboration.
Specifically, this call will finance the necessary expenses for the preparation and presentation of new proposals aimed at the following H2020 or Horizon Europe calls:
- Research and innovation actions framed in the pillars of "Social Challenges" and "Industrial Leadership."
- Personnel exchange actions funded under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN and RISE actions.
- Research actions in Future and Emerging Technologies (FET).
- Aid from the European Research Council (ERC), in any of its modalities.
The proposal included in the application must have a budget requested by the group of participating Spanish entities greater than €2.000.000 or greater than 25% of the total budget requested by the European consortium in the international call, except in the case of applications of aid for the presentation of individual proposals to the ERC.
Applications will be submitted electronically through the application application, which will be accessed by the Principal Investigator, and the electronic signature and registration application, which will be accessed by the legal representative of the requesting entity. Both applications will be available on the electronic headquarters of the Secretary of State for R&D&I.
The Principal Investigator must attach the following to the electronic application form: Mandatory documentation:
- Scientific-technical report of the project, which will necessarily be presented according to the following standardized model. The scientific-technical report will have a maximum length of 10 pages and will preferably be presented in English. The request application will not support memories with a larger extension.
- Abbreviated "curriculum vitae" (CVA) of the principal investigator, which will be presented in a standardized format (Spanish CVA model; English CVA model).
In addition, the principal investigator must attach other documentation according to the characteristics of the action presented.
More information for submitting applications.
Between €10.000 (for individual project proposals to the ERC) and €25.000 (for proposals for research and innovation actions and Marie Sklodowska-Curie, RISE and ITN actions)
End date: April 25, 2019 at 15:00 p.m. (peninsular time)